Contact us movemaster Our professional team makes moving easy and enjoyable for you
  • 39 years of experience
  • Reliable movers
  • Favourable prices
  • High quality service

We are Movemaster

MoveMaster OÜ is a moving company that has the most experienced and reliable team in Estonia.

About us

    Contact us

    • Moving within Estonia
    • We will move your property quickly and with high quality at favourable prices anywhere in Estonia, whether you are a private person or a company.
    • International moving
    • Do you need reliable and high quality international moving services?
      We can help you!
    • Moving of offices
    • Are you planning to move your whole office from one part of a building to another or to a
      different address?
      We can help both small and large companies.
    • Moving heavy items
    • Do you need to transport heavy or oversized items safely?
      We are a safe choice for you!
    • Moving archives
    • Do you need to move an archive?
      We are glad to be of assistance!
    • Storage
    • Do you need a place to store furniture or other items?
      We have a suitable warehouse just for the purpose!
    • Moving works of art
    • Need to transport valuable works of art?
      We have the skills and experience for that!
    • Assembly works
    • Do you often find it complicated and time consuming, but also strenuous to assemble or disassemble furniture?
      Our staff can handle even the most complicated furniture assembly works!
    • Special transportation service
    • Is it complicated to transport your goods or are the regulations in the destination country full of overwhelming requirements?
      Our specialists know the terms and regulations, ensuring smooth transportation of your goods.
    • Packaging service
    • Are you in a hurry or need to package your goods in a way that would ensure safe delivery?
      Order a high quality packaging service from us!
    • Moving insurance
    • Do you need to transport delicate or valuable goods?
      All our moving operations are covered with liability insurance.


    Our professional team makes moving easy and enjoyable for you!

    We offer high quality moving services both internationally and within Estonia.  We are your reliable partner as we rely on our long-term experience and knowledge about everything related to moving.


    years of experience


    moves accomplished


    countries we have moved to/from


    We offer high quality moving services both internationally and within Estonia. We are your reliable partner as we rely on our long-term experience and knowledge about everything related to moving.

    With international moves, it is extremely important to find a reliable and experienced
    partner and therefore MoveMaster OÜ is the best choice for you.

    We have the best global network of trustworthy partners and we have been working with them for a long time by now. That is why our services are professional and quick.

    Contact us

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